Wednesday, May 23, 2007

The Commuter Rail is Coming!

So, one of my favorite North Austin neighborhoods is in for a facelift. Not only is the city doing layover zoning nearby (vertical, mixed use, pedestian focus), but the light commuter rail station is coming to Braker & Burnet area by Fall 2008! In fact, Cap Metro said that the whole thing should be operational by then!!

If you don't know where my favorite neighborhood is- take out your map- Look North Of 183 and South of Braker, Between Burnet and Lamar. That's the spot.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Books that Changed My Brain

Books that changed my brain-

Omnivores Dilemna by Michael Pollan- to be eaten in small chunks and slowly digested. I forgot to return it to the library in time, so I got to buy it from them (woops!). Its a keeper. 'We are all walking corn chips.' FIVE STARS.

Square Foot Gardening by Mel Bartholomew- a whole new way to think about gardening. Great step by step guide to the easiest, most successful and most efficient garden I've ever had. Thanks Mel for changing my brain!! FIVE STARS

WORLDCHANGING by lots of people around the world. spelled as one word if you're looking for it. Also a website Compilation of ideas from around the world that will be changing my life, your life, everyones lives. Covers shelter, community, cities, politicis, business from sustainable green practices and also transparency. Eat slowly, there's a lot to digest. FIVE STARS.