Friday, October 24, 2008

Part 5: How to Buy a Green Home- Insulation

Part 5
How to Buy a Green Home: Insulation

Here's the short of it.

The more you have here, the better off you'll be.
Insulation levels come with an "R" rating.
Highest usually for a ceiling area is R-40.

Foam does a good job because it doesn't get compressed down.
You want to keep the air pockets in there, which is really what insulation does- make air pockets around your house. Foam insulation is also available in some pretty healthy ingredients.
Cotton is also available, and a very tried and true option.

You may not be checking out the attic when you tour a home, but your inspector should be able to tell you how the insulation looks, what kind it is, and how deep it is. It's fairly inexpensive to buy and install insulation, but it might make you itch! You can hire someone to handle it.

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